Chris Ren, a graduate of Case Western Reserve University’s Mandell School of Applied Social Science, worked for Child Guidance at the Cleveland Centers for Family and Children (now Applewood Centers). She then worked in an outpatient treatment center of a managed care company, Beechbrook, and Psychological and Behavioral Consultants. She is a founding partner of Partners for Behavioral Health and Wellness.

Throughout her career, Ms. Ren has specialized in working with children, teenagers, and their families in all diagnostic areas. She also enjoys working with women in the area of women’s issues, co-dependency, anxiety, and depression. Since 2000, Chris has developed and provided programs for children, adolescents, and adults with Autistic Spectrum Disorder/Asperger’s Syndrome. In addition to individual and family therapy, Chris provides group therapy that focuses on social skills development, regulating emotions and behavior. Chris started a “Lego Club” in which children can practice generalization of the skills they have learned in the group. She also offers groups for parent support, information, and guidance.


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