Peggy McKnight has been treating residents of Northeast Ohio and Western Pennsylvania for the past twenty years. Peggy received her Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from Bowling Green State University with honors. During this time, she gained psychological research experience and was an active member of Psi Chi, a National Honors Society in Psychology. She went on to obtain a Masters of Science in Social Administration from The Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences at Case Western Reserve University with a concentration in adult mental health.
Peggy has extensive experience in working with adults and adolescents in both inpatient and outpatient settings, as well as experience in providing clinical services within Employee Assistance Programs (EAP). Additionally, she served as the Director of Chemical Dependency Services in private practice for five years. With a supervisory designation supplementing an independent license, Peggy has supervised a number of students, interns and junior staff members over the years. Specialty areas of interest include the diagnosis and treatment of: Mood disorders, Eating disorders/ Body image issues, Substance abuse/ Chemical dependency, Women’s issues, Stress/ Anxiety, Dual diagnosis (mental disorders and substance abuse) and Codependency.
Telehealth link for scheduled appointments only:
The telehealth link is not a monitored line, and should not be used as an emergency form of contact with a provider.